Monday, April 20, 2009

Unit 1

The first unit of a new term is always filled with interesting tidbits. It reminds me of going back to school each year after the summer. I remember thinking, "Will I have friends in my class...will the teacher like me...will it be hard...will I be able to find the cafeteria...or the bathroom?"

The first term of an online class is much like those early experiences. Students always wonder if they'll be able to make friends in the online environment. After all, if you can't see your classmates, how will they know what a great personality you have? Students wonder if they will be able to find the Discussion Board and whether the quality of work will measure up. They wonder if I'll like them and appreciate their hard work - sometimes work completed under very difficult circumstances.

One thing that I have learned about students in the online environment is that they didn't enter the program for a "free pass." They are not looking for an easy ride. They're hardworking. They're interested in making the most of the experience. They're willing to work - to learn - to experience - to apply what they've learned to real life. I've taught in the traditional college environment as well as in the online environment. I've been more impressed with the quality of work in the online environment!

In this particular term, most of the students have already been active in seminar, discussion board, e-mail, and other communication. It's shaping up to be a good term. I have students from all over the country who bring many varied experiences to the course. I will learn much from them! It's a win-win situation!

Gabcast! Unit 1 #1

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

First Day of Class!

Today is the first day of a new class at Kaplan! This is always an exciting day for me. I'm looking forward to meeting the students, seeing where they're from, learning what their hopes and dreams are, and hoping I can be a positive part of their success.

One of the great things about online classes is that we get such a broad perspective on all of the topics we will cover in our class. What's "normal" for me in Georgia may be very different all the way across the country in California...or all the way around the world in Japan!

I'm heading over to the "Introduce Yourself" board on our class site right now - Can't Wait!!!

Gabcast! Welcome #1